• Photo of a group of smiling people

    Participants and Support

    SDICCCA is supported by each of the community colleges in San Diego and Imperial County along with Mt. San Jacinto College in Riverside County. Natasha Nace serves as Program Coordinator for the program. Please see the Contact Us page.

    Community Colleges
    Each community college has at least one "campus coordinator" who is responsible for working with the SDSU Program Coordinator to design the year-long intern experience. Campus Coordinators organize the logistics of the Friday-afternoon workshops, organizing rooms, tables, and catering (if available). Campus coordinators serve as liaisons between fellows, mentors and the SDSU program coordinator, making sure that fellows have parking passes and appropriate paperwork completed.

    Mentors volunteer their time and energy to participate in the SDICCCA Fellows Program. Mentors are dedicated to being positive influences for the next generation of community college librarians, counselors, and faculty. The SDICCCA Fellows Program would not be possible without the support of the mentors in our colleges. Mentors are fellow's most immediate resource. Mentors work with their interns to develop teaching, librarianship, and counseling strategies and techniques to enhance student learning. Additionally, mentors can share information about the political structure of the community college system.

    Thanks to a seemingly endless supply of enthusiastic and bright individuals wanting to become community college librarians, instructors, and counselors, the SDICCCA Fellows Project continues to expand. Fellows work closely with their mentors to achieve their maximum potential. Fellows work closely with Mentors to develop a "Learning Plan" including learning outcomes for the year and strategies to achieve those outcomes.  Fellows can play an observational role or can be invited by the mentor to assist in preparing teaching materials, attend campus meetings, etc.  Fellows are expected to work approximately 6-10 hours per week for a total of 135 hours.

    Program Completion
    On completion of the year of mentoring, the workshops, and the course requirements fellows, mentors, and campus coordinators are invited to the June meeting of the SDICCCA Presidents to receive a certificate and to celebrate the successful year.